Rental Misadventures Part Two: The Audacity

Alright! Part Two time. (Here’s Part One for those who missed it) So, now it is Closing Day. We went through all the craziness the day before so surely, we’ll be good now, right? Right?

We start the day with me checking in with the Title company around 9 am. They say that haven’t gotten anything from the lender yet. Closing is supposed to be at 1 pm. The lender is still waiting on the auditor to review the file. Once we reach 10 am with no progress, the Title company pushes closing to 3 pm to give them more time.

In the meantime, we go and do our final walkthrough of the home. Everything looks great. Not at all like there are any potential issues that will come to light in the future (foreshadowing). We sign off and then go home to wait on this fun process. Waiting is a full-time job now. Thankfully, I took the day off for the closing so I didn’t have to be at work and be completely distracted by my own personal crisis.

After a few more hours of no progress, I get a call from one of my managers apologizing that they need to move the closing to tomorrow. She called cause she didn’t want me to find out in an email. They weren’t going to charge me a fee when they very well could have. The one nice thing about all this is that I work with some really sweet people. 😊

So, we schedule the closing for 11 am the following day. Thankfully, I am also off on this day. We had to move out the internet and security appointments so those are now nearly a week out since those were the closest times they had. Around 1 pm (when we were supposed to close), I get a text from the lender saying that the auditor approved everything and they were doing everything they could to make sure I closed that day. I roll my eyes and do not reply. At this point, I have crossed over to the “I am so angry that this is funny” point of my rage. Meanwhile, Mr. FOGA is in a quiet, seething rage. Thankfully, I have invoices to distract me from all this nonsense.

Then I get THE email. I call it “THE email” because this ended up being the highest point of my rage. It’s an email from the lender saying that they are doing everything they can, but the builder is saying that they will close the next day. They then ask ME to reach out to the builder (you know…my bosses and coworkers) and beg them to allow me to close that day since they would most likely tell me yes.

You see…the only reason the closing wasn’t pushed out at 2 pm the day before is that I work here. With that extra time, these morons still weren’t ready to close. And now they have the audacity to expect me to call the same people who have been helping me when they didn’t need to and beg them to break even more of their rules to accommodate these fuckers. When they STILL haven’t sent everything to the Title company yet. At this point, I am thankful that my mother pretty much imprinted the art of professional emails into my brain otherwise they would have gotten a LONG rant filled with expletives at this point. I basically said, “Nope. You messed this up. You haven’t even done what you were supposed to yet.” In the end, they finally got everything to the title company around 4:30 pm. Just 3.5 hours later than when we were originally scheduled to close and 1.5 hours later than when we were re-scheduled to close. Technically, my closing should have been pushed out to the next business day yet again since we were, again, passed the 2 pm deadline. Again, my coworkers are very nice people.

The title company confirmed they had everything and they were reviewing it all. We are officially good to close the next day.

This should be the end of it, right? Well, nope, it’s not. Part Three is coming.

Feature Photo by Nikita Tikhomirov on Unsplash

2 thoughts on “Rental Misadventures Part Two: The Audacity

  1. I would really like to know from where those people get THE NERVE. Truly an astonishing amount of cheek to act like this wasn’t entirely their incompetence through and through.

    I AM curious as to what on earth the hold up was, though. What do they actually need to do that was taking them so dang long? As an aside, I hate how opaque the process of closing is.

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