Things I Want to Stay the Same

With everything that has happened in the last year, we have had to adapt to and create a new normal. Granted, a lot of that new normal was spent adapting to the next crisis when you had barely processed the last one. It was touch and go there for a bit. Still is honestly. Yet, in all that, there were a couple of things that we stopped or started doing that I want to stay the same. And I say “want to stay the same”, I mean that I will keep doing or not doing them. In one case, I’ll do it in the future if the option presents itself. If someone has a problem with what I choose to do for myself, well, I’ll let Kirito say it for me:

By the way, watch Sword Art Online Abridged. It’s better than the ACTUAL show. 10/10 recommend. 🙂

First and foremost, the masks should 100% stay. Yeah. I said it. There is a reason other cultures have had masks around, and we should be jumping on that bandwagon. For starters, this flu season has been near non-existent in part due to everyone wearing masks. That is huge. I also haven’t gotten sick in 15 months. Not a cold, flu, or anything. Once or twice where I thought I felt something coming on and then nothing. This is with both Mr. FOGA and I working in jobs where we have to go in person and interact with people. If anyone was going to get sick, we were pretty high on the list. Instead, we had a relatively healthy year, psychically anyway (mentally is a whole other ballgame as we all know). Am I wanting to wear one all the time? Probably not. But if I am in huge groups of people, feeling sick, or around someone else who is sick, I will be wearing a mask.

Also, on an entirely unrelated note, no one has told me to smile in over 15 months, and I really don’t want to go back to the way it was before.

I’m also not going to be shaking hands anymore. I never liked people touching me in the first place, but now it’s a hell no. When this pandemic first hit, we were running out of soap. This made no sense to me since, at most, you might need another bottle because you are washing your hands anyway. Boy was I wrong. There are people out there who were NEVER washing their hands. Like ever. 69% of men didn’t wash their hands after going to the bathroom. They are going to go back to their old normal after all this, and I absolutely refuse to deal with any of that. Yes, I could just use hand sanitizer, but they could also just wash their fucking hands. Once you learn this, it cannot be unlearned. My apologies for sharing this if you somehow did not know, but someone had to warn you.

Working from home is something that I was sadly not able to partake in at any level. I sell homes, and I have to be there in order to do it. However, it has affected what my next job (if I switch jobs before we are FI) would be. You see, I have no interest in working outside of the home again. I do it now because of the money, especially this year. However, there is always the possibility that something will give, and I will need to find a new job/career. When/If I do, that spot will be working from home. We just spent over a year proving that work from home is a viable option for a lot of people.

Those are the things I really want to stay the same or be an option in the future. Any things you all want to stay the same?

6 thoughts on “Things I Want to Stay the Same

  1. Remote Participation! I am chronically ill/disabled, and I have been able to participate in a wide range of events online [even a film festival!] that would otherwise have been inaccessible to me. I hope we don’t lose the accessibility we’ve gained this year.

    1. The inclusive aspect of remote participation is something I’ve been emphasizing to our networking group… it’s so important!

    2. I hope so too. It is completely crazy to give everyone access to everything and then just take it away cause they can.
      Thanks for reading.

  2. Ditto Crew Dog, I want to have the ability to participate remotely forever. It’s so important for so many reasons including for those of us housebound for health reasons, and can be a good way to create better equity across fields where access is an issue.

    I also really want to keep curbside pickups for a lot of places. It saved me so much precious limited energy.

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