Mortgage Under $150,000

Our Mortgage is under $150,000!!!!!

Obligatory Disclaimer:
As we all know, I am one of those people who want to pay off their mortgage. This has always been one of my biggest goals. When I say “debt-free” I want it to mean ALL debt and not just everything but the mortgage. I 100% understand all the supposed cons to this decision. People have been “kind enough” to share them with me multiple times and in great detail. However, the pros of getting rid of this thing far exceed the cons to me. Freedom in the form of $2000 a month.

Sadly, It’s been over a year since I got to write one of these posts (back in October 2021). Note: Never let anyone tell you that saving for a rental property is easy. But, we are finally back with another $25,000 gone on this mortgage. Now that we are not saving for the rental property and just saving, I am hopeful that we can get back to this goal a bit more in the future.

Next stop $125,000!

Feature Photo by Irina Iriser on Unsplash

3 thoughts on “Mortgage Under $150,000

  1. I’ve wrestled with paying off my mortgage vs investing and in the end decided to take a 50/50 approach. The security I feel with lower debt (especially in these times of interest rate hikes!) is far more valuable than focusing purely on dividends.

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