Life Update Part Two

Hello Everybody! I figured it was time for Life Update Part Two on what’s going on in the FOGA household. I wish I could say that it has slowed down, but that doesn’t seem to be the plan in 2020. This seems to be one of those years where the universe works to break you down and it’s your job to prove them wrong.

Life Update Part Two
Life Update Part Two

Mother In Law Health

Last time, I mentioned that my mother in law has a brain aneurysm that’s 7mm. She was finally scheduled to get it removed this month but then decided to postpone the surgery in lieu of getting a second opinion. Then, she has been taking her time to do so. Now, with everyone starting to close up unless it’s an emergency I worry how long this will take now.

Apparently, they think it has a 1% chance of being an issue. Yet, we need to get it removed. At this point, I am just trying not to think about it and we are checking in with her more.

Father In Law Doing Better

He’s been doing MUCH better. Got his diabetes under control, and he’s on correct medication now. No more sugar levels in the 500s and not drinking, so he has been doing great. Thankfully, he is one less person to worry about.

My Health

I am doing much better. I ended up finding another doctor to get that damn implant removed faster back in February and it’s gone!

Since then, my period finally stopped (last week actually). I ended up on my period for a little over three months once it was all done. I would not wish this on anyone. Be careful with hormonal birth control people. If you start feeling odd after a while and nothing else has changed, assume it’s the birth control. Do NOT listen to a doctor who will make you feel like you’ve gone crazy (what happened to me). Dump them, report them, and move on. To say that doctors are not good when it comes to dealing with women’s issues would be a gross understatement.

About a week after I got it out, Mr. FOGA noticed my mood was better overall. I still had highs and lows, but they weren’t as low and MUCH more manageable. I saw one of my old partners this past Saturday and one of the first things he said was that I seemed a lot better. This was after five minutes with me. I am very happy and extremely lucky to have the support system that I do.

Also, after watching me go through hell with all of this stuff over the past few months, Mr. FOGA has opted to get a vasectomy. That should be happening next week assuming the offices are still open with everything that is going on.

Work Stuff

With everything that was going on, I decided to have a one on one with my boss to explain a little of what was going on in case it started to noticeably affect my job. After going through some of it (I didn’t go into full detail on anything), she was on

After all the work to move to the community I got to back in December, I have been moved again. For a good reason at least. Since we will have the 4-5 month gap in pay and not enough homes to sell, it made sense to move to somewhere where that wouldn’t be an issue. So, now I am somewhere new again. I have to set everything up again and get everyone used to me being a new location again. It will take time to sell there as well.

Also, with everything that was going on, I decided to have a one on one with my boss to explain a little of what was going on in case it started to noticeably affect my job. After talking with her twice, I asked for a two-week medical leave to get a break from work(more on this in the future maybe). She agreed so that will start next week Monday. Mr. FOGA’s vasectomy will be at the same time to make it easier.

At the time we scheduled everything, the coronavirus was nowhere near where it is now, so this has a side benefit of allowing us to self-isolate. Especially, since our jobs are NOT even considering closing right now.

Everything Else

In the past month, we’ve been watching a lot of people we know have has shit happen to them. Mr. FOGA had one co-worker pass away and another lose his son to a car accident. His son was 16 years old. One of our best friend’s grandmother had a stroke. My mother in law is looking into suing her job due to her workplace injury and their pisspoor handling of it.

My mother’s job has increasingly high turnover and two people she was close to have left in the last three weeks. Now, she may be looking for a new job. I say “may be” because with everything going on, she doesn’t want to leave right now.

After a certain point, my brain stopped reacting with emotions and just started going, “Okay. This is the new thing. Just deal with it and move on.” I am as maxed out as I can be with everything. Or so I thought until the coronavirus hit the fan.

Now, my new work partner is looking into canceling his wedding due to the coronavirus. The wedding he’s been planning for over a year and has been SUPER excited over. Thank god he got insurance.

And now, there’s my frustration. This virus is affecting and will affect everyone in some way. Yet, some seem to be completely oblivious to the dangers and go about life as normal. To say I am concerned about our area in dealing with this pandemic would be another huge understatement.
I know a lot of this is people on Spring Break from other areas, but this shit is disheartening.

At this point, I am just hoping for the best because what else can you do.

Life Update Part Two
Life Update Part Two

That’s That for Now

So that’s me right now. It’s already been whirlwind of a year. It’s only going to get more and more exhausting, but I am thankfully in a much better frame of mind to handle it. 🙂

I hope to be around more going forward. I’m not ready to commit to a schedule just yet, but you’ll definitely see me around.

5 thoughts on “Life Update Part Two

  1. Thank you for the update lady. I’m glad everyone is feeling better and hope your MIL can have that surgery soon. I’m so glad you didn’t listen to that ridiculous doctor – they definitely downplay women’s issues, even more so with people of color like us so good for you for not stopping there or putting up with the nonsense. Also congratulations on y’alls vasectomy decision 😉 .

    It sounds like it’s already been quite a year so far and it’s only March. You are amazingly strong for handling everything life has been throwing at you and the people you love. Hang in there lady.

    1. Thank Purple. Me too. That doctor did screw me up for a little bit though. Thank god for my therapist. 🙂
      Hoping for a smoother 2020, but I am learning that this is highly unlikely. Still, better than before, so focusing on that.
      Thanks for reading.

  2. This is quite the year, good to hear that your personal health is improving. Hormones are very real and everyone responds to them differently, meaning that there is no right or wrong with that. They can’t tell you that it’s not the hormones because you simply don’t know until you remove them from your body.

    Hope the storm will calm a bit for the rest of the year, but with this corona escapades I doubt that will be the case. You got this!!

    1. Thanks Radical FIRE. You are completely right. Yet this educated and licensed doctor did not seem to grasp that. Thankfully, they are no longer a concern. Stopped going to the office as a whole.
      This year is looking to be a piece of work. Hoping it calms down, but preparing for it not to.
      Thanks for reading.

  3. Saying you’ve got a full plate would be like saying covid19 is just another flu. As someone dealing with a health issue of my own I think you certainly can’t leave your fate in the hands of a doctor, they just don’t know what is going on with you, what your values are, who you are really, and they certainly do not know what you are feeling inside. You are very smart to have taken control of the situation and been proactive. Here is hoping all the issues you are facing resolve themselves to the good! You sound like someone in charge of her own life, which usually leads to success.

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