The Streams

Looking at everything, I realized that we now have a lot more streams of income than we used to have. Back in the day, it was just both of our incomes. Of course, since then we have had a few changes including Mr. FOGA becoming a house husband. Given that, here’s our new breakdown:

  • Real Estate- My primary job and the bulk of our income. Last year was a record-breaking year for me, but this year will definitely be less. While this income is awesome, it is highly irregular. Having backup options is awesome and good for my mental peace of mind.
  • Rental Home– The home is rented and that has been going well. 🙃 Our tenants have been super cool which has been awesome.
  • Ally Interest- We’re making money off of our savings and e-fund which goes into more savings. Ally is currently at a 3.75% rate which is awesome.
  • Invoicing- My unintentional side hustle still lives on. It’s still pretty cool to me, especially seeing all the ways people make money.
  • FOGA Printables– I just started an Etsy shop this month making printables. I was making them anyway so I figured why not. Made my first sale so yay! Feel free to check it out.

Lots of changes in just a few years. Going from two streams to five is pretty cool. Hoping that one day we’ll be able to make enough to pay for all of our monthly expenses in side income alone. One day maybe. 😊

How many income streams do you have?

Feature Photo by Alexander Hipp on Unsplash

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