Still Waiting

When I wrote my last sort of update on the investment property, we were waiting patiently on insulation. Well, I want to say that today, nearly a month later, we are STILL waiting on insulation. 😂

Delays in this industry are bad. Even if we had all the materials, we would still have delays due to the lack of manpower. It’s an all-around slower process and slower industry to deal with. Homes that used to get built-in 4-6 months are taking 9-12 months, and that’s a best-case scenario. Makes it hard for a lot of people right now.

For us, we are still doing okay. We always had a mental plan of closing in September, so as we get closer and closer to it, it just proves accurate. Of course, it makes me laugh harder that anyone thought we were closing in June at any point. That was never gonna happen. Still okay with the home and have estimated a higher interest rate than what is being offered now just to plan for the worse.

Of course, none of these delays changes the fact that the homes are still selling. The price of the home, if you tried to buy it today, is $47,000 more than what we are paying. So, we’re keeping it at all costs.

Basically, right now, only go into new construction or renovations if you are prepared for the waiting process. Cause you will be waiting. A lot.

Feature Photo by Tanalee Youngblood on Unsplash

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