Rental Misadventures Part Four: The Finale

Alright!!! We have closed on the rental! Made it past all the bullshit and we own this thing now. Now we’re in the clear. The bullshit can cease, right? hehe…

The next morning I am awoken to a notice from my bank letting me know that they have put a hold on the closing check. No reason as to why and no ETA on how long the hold would last. One hour, three phone calls, and a transfer to a manager later, we learn that they have put a hold on the check because they do not believe that the people who wrote the check (my employer) would have the funds to clear it. Also, the funds would be released nearly two weeks later. Now, at this point in the process, I was very unhappy and definitely shared my dissatisfaction with this information. They tell us that we can go to the branch to get it sorted out. Fine. Well, it’s a weekend now, but there is thankfully a branch close-ish by that is open on Saturdays.

Go to the branch and THEN learn that only the branch manager can do that and said manager is on vacation and will be back on Monday. I am like, “Well, of course, they are. Where else would they be?” Now, we could have tried driving across town to another branch, but at this point, we are just done. We opt to just try to relax over the weekend and get it handled on Monday, which ended up being almost grossly simple. The manager took about two minutes to remove the flag and then had access to the funds. As to the reason for the flag, apparently, that’s the only reason they ever give to anyone and she had no clue how they decided what to flag and not flag. But we’re all good.

From here, it was an issue with listing the rental on Zillow that we got resolved fairly quickly, and an eight-hour day at the rental to get both internet and security set up. Within 24 hours of being listed, we had two showing requests so I’m thinking things are looking up. Then Hurricane Ian started to head to Florida. Safe to say that no one really cares about showings when a hurricane is headed your way. Made it through the hurricane with no issues at our primary residence. Went to check on the rental the next day and learned we weren’t as lucky here. A big pool of water by the slider. All in all, considering the damage Ian caused, not happy, but not complaining.

I send it to the builder so they can see if it was an issue on their end, and yes it was. See, it wasn’t the slider that let in the water. It was the upstairs master bedroom window which is above the slider. Thankfully, one of the perks of buying new construction is that the homes come with a warranty. The builder got the restoration crew out and they treated everything to make sure we did not and would not have mold. Also learned that the frame around the window was damaged and that’s why the water got in. We got the window, carpet padding, and drywall in that area replaced. Plus the stucco work, the trim work, the painting, etc… Took about 1.5 weeks to get it all fixed and cleared away. All at no cost to us because of the warranty. Pretty much cemented my plan to stick with new construction whenever possible.

But the story has a happy ending. While we were getting the window replaced, we had a showing. It went well, they applied, and now we have it rented. They move in next month and everything is pretty much in place. Just going to get it cleaned before they move in and we’re done. 😊

So, in the end, we did it! I know it’s just Parts A (buying & closing) and Parts B (getting rented), but still super happy. Now we have tenants that seem pretty cool. Fingers crossed they stay that way.

Feature Photo by James Butterly on Unsplash

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