Quitting With Style

I realized the other day that retirement as I thought of it is long dead. Specifically the act of actually retiring from a company. Unless you are one of the rare, rare people who get a pension or something similar, retiring is really just quitting with style.

I came to this realization by talking to one of my coworkers. He is over 65 years old and was talking about retiring in the next two years. When I asked what that would entail, he actually wasn’t sure. A few minutes of research later, we learn that he just quits but tells them he is retiring. No special paperwork or anything. That’s it.

Yeah, your job could throw a party or whatever, but they don’t really fund your retirement. That’s pretty much you. So, as far as they are concerned, you just quit with style. Jobs don’t control your 401K or your investments so there’s really nothing else to do from their end. You work for decades and then you just quit. How incredibly anti-climatic.

Feature Photo by Gabby Channeye on Unsplash

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