I’m So Tired

I genuinely don’t know what to say. This last week has been an event. I have worked every single day (days off? what are those?) getting yelled at about construction, mortgage, etc. Between the SCOTUS and all their bullshit rulings and work with quarter-end, I am so angry and tired at this point. I am trying so hard not to feel hopeless about everything, but then all this shit keeps happening that makes that VERY hard to do. And we’re expected to go to work without issue while our rights are taken from us.

Simply put: Being in this country is exhausting. Leaving this country is easier said than done. I still have one more day in June before I finally breathe and go to sleep. Just gotta keep going.

Sorry, this is a mindless ramble, but am quite literally exhausted. More coherent stuff next week. Maybe. 😂

How’s your June going? How are you coping?

Feature Photo by fred tromp on Unsplash

4 thoughts on “I’m So Tired

  1. Right there with you. I’m intellectually furious but have no energy to feel anything but numb because I’m sick and tired from that and no sleep. But we’re supposed to just keep trucking through work as if everything is fine. It’s infuriating beyond words.

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