Happy Birthday FOGA!

Hello FOGA Readers!

From One Geek to Another is officially one year old. It’s crazy to think that it’s been a whole year, but it has.

I started FOGA to track our journey towards financial independence, but it has evolved into much more than that. This blog has connected me to a community of awesome and wonderful people that I wouldn’t have met otherwise. I even attended a meet up with some bloggers in my area and it was awesome (sorry for not mentioning it the first time Josh). lol

I am incredibly thankful. πŸ™‚

Without further ado, here’s the past year looked like for From One Geek to Another:

Happy Birthday FOGA!
Photo by S O C I A L . C U T on Unsplash

The Numbers

Total Traffic: 6889 Visitors
Total Comments: 268
Total Posts Written: 45
Total Twitter Followers: 1047
Total Pinterest Followers: 297

The Posts

Top Three Most Viewed Posts:

My Favorite Post: March Sucked- How We Ended the Month $2700 Over Budget

Guest Posts on FOGA:

Guest Posts:

The Highlights

Since I featured some stuff already in the six months update, here are some new highlights. All the previous highlights still stand, of course.

Maxed Out 2019 IRAs

Spoiler Alert! It’s done! Time to focus on the emergency fund. πŸ™‚


Since the six month update, we have gone on two vacations (one was a work one). Both were cruises, and they were lots of fun despite being sick on one and Mr. FOGA getting a bad sunburn on the other.

The Questions

I asked you all if you had any questions for me for this momentous occasion. You guys delivered. πŸ™‚

Here are the questions!

Question from @iliketodabble: Who was the first person you connected with in the PF community?

That would be Steve over at Fire-ish.com. He isn’t as active as he used to be, but every now and then he’ll have a new post. I keep an eye out.

Question from @savvyhistory: Can you explain the β€œgeek” part in your title? How you view the word? Why you think it applies to you? Why you’re comfortable with it or proud of it, etc?

Valid questions. I do not seem to be as geeky online as I am in real life. lol
Been called a geek for as long as I can remember. First with comic books & superheroes, then marching band (was in colorguard), Star Trek, some videogames, Power Rangers, real estate, and, finally, finances. When I decide to learn something or to start something, I tend to go ALL in. It can lead to behavior that some have deemed to be slightly obsessive. I see it as fun.

Never saw the word as negative or positive; it’s just a fact. Due to that, I am comfortable with it. So, when I decided that I was going to start a blog and my husband suggested the name “From One Geek to Another,” I thought it was perfect. πŸ™‚

Question from @theRadicalFIRE: What was your favorite post to write? And what post do you think deserves more reads?

My favorite post to write (not my favorite post) was What the Hell is FIRE Anyway? I had a lot of fun with it.

The post I think deserves more attention is What Do I Plan To FIRE To? I had a lot of fun with this one as well. I thought this one would do better than it did. Shows you what I know. πŸ˜‚

Question from @pikiliving: How has geekiness helped your journey?

By turning me into the fun, weird, slightly obsessive person, I am today. Lol Probably would have never gotten into half the things I mentioned with that little character trait. That’s a life I cannot even fathom.

Questions from @MooreFinancialM: How did you grow your Social Media following?

Honestly, this surprised me as well. I never thought I would have over 1000 followers on Twitter. For some people, this is a low number, but I want to remind you that I am an introvert who shuts down if there are too many people in a room.

I just shared my posts and others, talked to people, read their content, and commented on it. Making an active effort to say hi to strangers was the main thing. That part was fairly easy just due to how friendly everyone is. πŸ™‚

Ended up in some fun discussions on the Sims after APurpleLife lost her save where her sim married Santa and was about to have his baby. Met a ton of different people just through the craziness that was that conversation. lol

Questions from @MattWAHman: Do you generate any money from your blog, or do you plan to in the future?

I do not generate any money from FOGA, and I currently have no plans to. Right now I am just trying to get to where I am consistent with it. No need to monetize. Not saying I never will but it’s not in my plans right now.

Question from @cookingwithfi: What’s Next?

I accomplished my goal of doing three guest posts/interviews by the one year mark. I also made a logo with some help. πŸ™‚

My plan going forward is to write once a week. I am actually setting a day for this. I am torn between Tuesday or Sunday. What do you guys think?

So far it looks like Tuesday is winning.

Aside from that, I don’t really have a plan. Connect with people and have fun. I have no intention to stop blogging so, for now, we’ll see where this goes and what the next year brings. πŸ™‚

Thanks for reading!!!


Happy Birthday FOGA!
Photo by Gaelle Marcel on Unsplash

Edit: Added another question and more info. πŸ™‚

23 thoughts on “Happy Birthday FOGA!

    1. HAHAHAHA! It was a long and involved conversation. We did get pictures at the end. The baby was a toddler by that point, but very cute. Never had too much luck myself. Only the alien babies in Sims 2 and got the grim reaper to be my friend in Sims 3.
      Glad you enjoyed it! Thanks for reading!

  1. So what you’re saying is the secret to gaining a social media following is joining ridiculous live tweeting streams about the Sims πŸ˜‰ …Kidding aside CONGRATULATIONS on your first year!!! Still being here and posting is a huge accomplishment. You’re a badass and I’m excited to follow you into the future!…and also hound you as #TheAccountabilityBeast πŸ™‚ . Let’s do this!

    1. Actually, it is! You meet other like-minded people after a lifetime of making your Sims dramas alone. lol
      Thank you! I’m working my but off to make sure that I have things in order before you send that tweet.

  2. Congrats on your one year, you’re doing such a great job & I love following your journey! Thanks for answering these questions, it leaves me wondering; what is your favorite post? I’m happy to be one of the guest posts on your blog, if you’re interested in writing something for Radical FIRE let me know!

    1. Thank you! I thought I put in my favorite post: March Sucked- How We Ended the Month $2700 Over Budget. lol
      I do have one for you. I got the outline done. Now I just need time to write it. πŸ™‚
      Thanks for reading!

  3. Congratulations!! What a wonderful milestone on this amazing journey. Here’s to an even more awesome year two

  4. Congratulations on your first year! You’re one of the people I notice is consistently positive in the PF community and I appreciate that πŸ™‚

  5. I’m late on this, but needed to say congratulations on the anniversary! Also, loved the social media and introvert comment – I feel exactly the same way about follower numbers.

    I look forward to reading everything in the coming year!

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