August Goals Update
August is over tomorrow! I am not sure why but this felt like the longest month I have ever gone through. I even got a week off work at the beginning and it still felt that way. This is more than likely because it was so slow at work this month. Fingers crossed for a better September.
I have decided to start posting my goals for the month. It holds me accountable to someone other than D (he’s such an enabler) and makes me to really evaluate where we are on our goals of paying off debt. Since I never posted the goals for August, I am putting them here and then posting my goals for September.
This was actually a good month for us. I finally got paid for my July closings and we were able to get stuff done.
- Stay under $500 for eating out- Nope. We failed miserably. This is a problem. Really got to work on this.
- Pay off MasterCard- Yes! Hooray for this one. It’s been giving me anxiety for months now. Glad this is back to $0.
- Pay off cell-phone- Yes! Paid off the installment plan for the cell-phone so our bill has now gone down $33.00. Yay for savings.
- Start Paying off Loan- Yes! Paid nearly $900 extra on this for the month. On track to get rid of this by the end of the year.
- Get savings accounts to $15,000 total- Yes! We’re actually at $15,500. We are trying to get this to $41,000 since that would cover a year of expense for us. Since I work in real estate this something we need. If the market shifts or we go through a few bad months, I don’t want us freaking out any more than we need to be.
- Work Out Once a Week- Nope. I have worked out 2-3 this month so far. That’s is actually an improvement for me, but definitely not the goal. Trying to get healthier.
- Go to a Yoga Class-Yes! This was actually at the request of my awesome psychologist. Due to my anxieties and depression, she HIGHLY recommended that take some form of class or mediation that would make me healthier and force me to relax. I am trying to do this at least once a week going forward.
Goals for September:
I am on track to have eight homes close that I can get paid for in September and D is supposed to get a bonus this month. This means higher financial goals for next month!
- Keep MasterCard paid off. This is the struggle since we put everything on this card (we get cash back, so it works).
- Stay under $500 for eating out. We can do this. I believe we can do this. We got personal capital to help monitor this in the future, so we’re going to get this down.
- Pay at least $2000 towards the improvement loan. Trying to stick with the plan of getting this paid off by the end of the year.
- Max out both IRA accounts ($7300). This may be a stretch, but we’re going for it anyway. If we can max it out (can only do $5500 per person a year on this) then we are done for 2018 and we can focus on building the savings account.
- Get savings accounts to $17,500 total.
- Work out once a week. Want to actually do it this time.
- Yoga Once a Week.
- Look into Ways to Make Extra Income. This is one I have been putting off, but I feel that, since it has been so dead at work, this would have been a better use of my time. I have thought about monetizing this blog, but I feel that it has a ways to go before that is a good option.
How was August for You? Did you make your goals?
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