June 2023 Net Worth

We are halfway through the year. What a year it has been so far. I am so very tired, and we still have more of the year to go. I am honestly scared of the rest of the year. But let’s put that aside for a bit, and just look at how we’ve done in a purely financial aspect since the last net worth update.

Then: March 2023: $740,000/$305,000

Last time, our investments finally started increasing again. Also, we were coasting on a tax return and I was in between closings.

My father-in-law also passed away which was awful. It also brought inheritance into the mix which I was not even a little familiar with or prepared for. It is the oddest/most horrible thing to me: “Your dad died. Here’s some money.” Sigh…I think we made the world wrong.

But, because of that, everything is different. So, here’s where we are now.

Now: June 2023: $ 1,200,000/$765,000

Well… okay then. I have a lot of strong feelings about this one. That’ll have to be in a different post cause I can’t fully piece it together yet. On one hand: Holy shit. We made it to one million. On the other hand: The only reason that is happening is because my father-in-law died. I have no clue how to feel about any of this.

I did do the math and without anything from Mr. FOGA’s inheritance, we would be at $799,000 with the house. Of course, even those numbers were aided by the inheritance in some way so there’s no real clear way to look at it.

Financial Independence Milestone: BallerFI

We did stay Baller Fi since last time which is over $100,000 invested. Focus has been elsewhere for now. We’ll eventually make it to the next step: HustlerFI with $150,000 invested.

A reminder: We only use these accounts (index funds, employee stock, & IULs) since they are the only ones we have without age restrictions. The IRAs and 401Ks cannot be accessed until we are 59.5 so, we don’t include those in this factor. Although with just my 401K, I should be a millionaire without contributing another penny.

If you are wondering what the hell I am talking about with this, check out Guac’s awesome post about these particular milestones here.

So that’s us at the halfway point of 2023. This was definitely the most complicated update I have ever done. Yay for making it here. Sucks how it happened. So many strong feelings, but in the end, we are officially millionaires.

Thanks, Dad.

Feature Photo by Polina Kuzovkova on Unsplash

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