
Life really seems to be about who you know. It’s rather annoying at times since (and it might just be me here) I feel like I was raised on that nonsense of doing your best will lead to success. While that is somewhat true, if you don’t know anyone/have no one on your side, it doesn’t seem to amount to much.

In this case, I really shouldn’t be complaining since it is working out in my favor. I mentioned about a month ago how I nearly impulse bought an investment property. Well, I did not let that go. Found a similar property for less not too far from the original one. Would profit about $450 a month. The issue is that builders are not keen on selling to investors and have made rules to make it more difficult. Unless, of course, you work here and are on fairly good terms with management. Then you can buy earlier, put less down as a deposit, and move to the top of the list when one becomes available. The list is currently 14 people long, and I am now magically number one on that list.

I should 100% be happy about this, but I’m not. Not necessarily unhappy either. I’ve seen it in action so many times, but it’s the first time it’s directly benefited me. I guess I feel weird about it. Still, 100% going to do it. Just feel rather odd about it. It’s also a shit ton (in my mind) of money overall and the whole craziness of buying an investment property. Being a landlord and all that entails. All this while the world is just being its crazy self.

TLDR: I will be going under contract for an investment property once it becomes released to sell. How crazy is that?

Feature Photo by Gaetano Cessati on Unsplash

PS: This one is a bit late. My apologies. A splitting migraine and general mental exhaustion are to blame.

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